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Announcing a “MEMBERS ONLY” initiative.

Theatre Subsidy Scheme 

Do you have family days out, go to the Theatre or Live events?

Then why not reduce your costs by 25% using our Subsidy Scheme.


After the recent NEZRA Annual General Meeting and due to the present Cost of Living Crisis, it was decided to relaunch our Subsidy Scheme.

The original scheme has been enhanced and now includes subsidies being given towards attending either “live performances” (held at recognised venues) or “attractions and events”.

There obviously has to be some guidelines involved within the scheme which are: -

  • The current subsidy is 25%.

  • Any subsidy will only be approved for up to four persons for any single event. 

  • Members will be restricted to a total of four applications in any twelve-month period

  • Some venues, attractions and events may be excluded from the scheme, (for instance Public Houses, Cinemas and large outdoor Festivals).

  • The subsidy given will apply only to actual costs, i.e., booking fees, travel and other extras will not be acceptable. 

  • Applications will only be accepted if made on the official form (available on our website or from the NEZRA Office) if submitted within 28 days following attendance

  •  Applications will only be accepted if accompanied by the original receipt in the member’s name. 

  • Applications can be made by either post or email (photo/scans of receipt will be acceptable).

  • Details of where to send the completed application are included on the form. 

  • Ten working days should be allowed for the claim to be processed and returned. 

  • The actual subsidy will be established by the Management Committee which could be amended without prior notice. 

  • The final decision on whether to allow a claim, or not, will be at the discretion of NEZRA. 

  • Applicants will be contacted regarding payment of the Subsidy, which can be made by either Cheque or Bank Transfer.

  • The scheme cannot be combined with any other NEZRA offer.

  • The scheme is open to Members Only



A great offer available to all members


The Management Committee has been successful in recently establishing discounts on any of the activities (day trips / breaks / holidays ) offered by the company which arranges the Associations current deals (LJ Leisure).

Discounts being offered vary from £10.00 per person for day trips up to £40.00 per person on some holidays.

Members may book up to 6 places at the Discounted Price. Additional places may be booked separately at the nondiscounted amount. This is a NEZRA Members Only offer – current membership will be checked when Discounts are requested.

To see what is available go to the following websites :-

· For day trips / short breaks / coach holidays - (01709 837353)

  1. If interested in a particular offer, hover the mouse over the picture or select summery of tours for a full list of tours.
  2. Clicking on “VIEW TOUR“ will produce a more detailed description of the selection.
  3. Clicking on “BOOK NOW” will take you to where you make the actual booking.
  4. Before completing anything please enter the number of places required.
  5. This will give the actual cost of the selection in the top right hand corner of the page.
  6. Now go down to near the bottom of the webpage and enter “NEZRA” into the “Discount Code” box, followed by clicking “Apply Code”.
  7. This will then apply the discount to the selection, again in the top right hand corner. If not happy to continue then Click on “Home” to return to the main webpage.
  8. If happy to continue then complete the rest of the online form.
  9. Once completed, click on “Add to Basket”, giving the details of the booking. Clicking on “Delete” will remove all entered booking details. Complete the rest of this form and click “Proceed to Payment and Checkout”.
  10. Follow the online instructions to make payment.

· For flight / cruise / longer holidays - (01709 367663)

  1. If interested in a particular offer, click “MORE” - this will give detailed information of the selection.
  2. Before completing anything please enter the required “Room Details”’.
  3. This will give the actual cost of the selection on the right hand side of the page.
  4. Now go down to near the bottom of the webpage and enter “NEZRA” into the “Discount Code” box, followed by clicking “Apply Code”.
  5. This will apply the discount to your selection, again on the right hand side of the page. If you are not happy to continue then Click on “Home” to return to the main webpage.
  6. If happy to continue then complete the rest of the online form.
  7. Once completed, click on “Add to Basket”, giving the details of the booking. Clicking on “Delete”
  8. Complete the rest of this form and click “Proceed to Payment and Checkout”.
  9. Follow the online instructions to make payment.